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Course Descriptions

HIS 114 - Western Civilization II: 1700s to the Present

3 Credits

A survey of western regimes, societies (including economic and class structures), and cultures (including religious and philosophical ideas)—and the west’s relationships with other societies and cultures—from the French Revolution to the present. Topics may include the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, the French Revolution (and the revolutions it inspired), nation-building and nationalism, European imperialism, the World Wars, the Soviet Revolution, the Great Depression, decolonization, the Cold War and its end, and the unification of Europe.

Learning Attributes: WR

New SUNY General Education: SUNY - World History and Global Awareness

Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-WC - Western Civilization (SWCV)

MCC General Education: MCC-CT - Critical Thinking (MCT), MCC-GLO - Global Understanding (MGLO), MCC-SSD - Social Science and Diversity (MSSD)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Describe the main transformative events of western civilization from the 1700s to the present.
2. Analyze the development of western society, including the structures of social classes, from the 1700s to the present.
3. Explain the workings of the economies of western civilizations from the 1700s to the present.
4. Explain the organization and development of the political systems of western civilizations from the 1700s to the present.
5. Analyze the development of western culture, including religious and philosophical ideas, from the 1700s to the present.
6. Describe relationships and exchanges among Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe from the 1700s to the present.
7. Evaluate the soundness of assertions about what happened in history.
8. Utilize strong writing skills.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025